

I'm Maja, a passionate UX designer with a diverse background in art direction and interaction design. With a unique blend of creativity and analytical thinking, I craft user-centric experiences that resonate with audiences worldwide.

My educational journey began at Malmö University, where I studied a Bachelor's degree in Interaction Design. This foundation in design theory and methodology laid the groundwork for my career in creating intuitive and engaging user interfaces.

Furthering my expertise, I pursued a transformative education at Hyper Island, a renowned digital creative business school. Here, I delved deep into the soft values of design, focusing on empathy, collaboration, and real-world project execution. This holistic approach to design has shaped my perspective, allowing me to approach projects with a keen understanding of both user needs and business objectives.

I believe that good design is more than just aesthetics; it's about creating meaningful connections and solving real-world problems. Whether it's optimizing user flows or enhancing accessibility, I strive to design solutions that are both beautiful and functional.

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